Podcast training programs for African and Black creatives.

Your story is meant to be shared — and we’re here to empower it. Amplify it. Embrace it.

When you join one of our robust podcast training and mentorship programs led by our international podcast industry leaders, you’re committing to investing in your future.

Get ready to take your vision and transform it into a podcast reality from launch to finish. 

And we’ll be here to guide, support, and hype you up, every step of the way.


AQ Studios also has a robust training program called Black Audio where we teach aspiring audio content creators how to produce podcasts.

Our training program has online and in person workshops, supports African producers to get the equipment and software they need and gives tips on how to navigate licensing, distribution and fundraising.

Black Audio also provides small seed grants to shows throughout the year along with technical support to produce a pilot episode.


 Ready to join us?

Let’s make your podcast vision a reality.

Sharing African and Black culture, community, and courage is what we do. This is how we change the world. Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to know when our program doors re-open.

 Past Program Participants